Saturday, July 21, 2012

Flutterflies and Butterflies

Flutterflies and Butterflies oh my! Nothing more magical than feeling my little peach twisting and turning inside my belly! Each day they get stronger and more defined. I really look forward to the coming weeks when they get strong enough for the girls and Zack to feel. Boy are they in for a surprise when they feel that baby kick for the first time.
Kenzie, my sweet girl, talked to her baby brother or sister ALL the time. When she bumps my belly she sweetly whispers "I'm sorry baby." When we snuggle in bed she leans over and whispers "Hi, baby I can't wait to meet you!" How amazing that they are able to experience this with me! They have spent much of the summer making crafts. Mostly for baby!
These are signs to hold up if its a "gril" or boy!
This is a gender neutral mobile! "Mom this is perfect if it's a boy or a girl."

Maddy is certain its a girl, and Kenzie is positive it's a boy. Zack could care less and really doesn't want to find out ahead of time... As for me, I have NO clue. Everyone says you get a feeling and just know. Not so much for me! Some one tried the string and a ring test. That came out BOY every time. That's the crazy test where you dangle a string with a ring on it over your belly. If it spins in circles its a girl and if it sways back and forth its a boy. Well mine was a swinging! She has been right 5 out of 5 so far. She even showed me someone who was pregnant with a girl and it spun, and spun and spun. On the other hand the Chinese predictor calendar says it's most definitely a GIRL. I have been craving carbs so that must mean its a boy, and sweets so that would be a girl. So do I buy into any of this? Well I haven't painted my nursery yet or started registering for baby clothes, so NO I don't buy into any of this. Only time will tell. God knows what hiding in my belly! And if my Dr. hadn't left his practice I would be finding out next week. So the projected sex determination will be (hopefully) on August 8th. I know I know. I wish it was sooner too. But its not on MY timing! So I will practice my patience because it will be the same sex if I find out next week or in three.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.." Jeremiah 1:5


  1. I think you should do that cute display of pink or blue balloons coming out of a box to tell the girls. Ive seen it on TV, its so sweet. I cannot wait to meet this little person!

  2. Yay! I'm gonna be an Auntie Cuz Cuz again. Can't wait to see you! When and where is the baby shower :)
