Thursday, August 30, 2012

Half way there

So at 20 weeks, Miss Hannah Grace was 10 1/2 inches, the size of a banana! No wonder it feels like a dance class is taking place in my tummy. She loves to move and grove in the evenings, or all night long for that matter. Sleeping has become much more of a task. I have to sleep on my sides now, I don't have an option. Which becomes a bit of a task when you are a habitual stomach sleeper.  I awoke one night to Hannah kicking me so hard, apparently I was squishing her because I was laying slightly on my stomach. That was the end of that. I am trying the technique of lying with a pillow between my legs. It seems to help a bit. My hips have begun throbbing at night. I hear from a mixture of stretching muscles and sleeping on my side. So my night goes as follows; fall asleep, roll over, roll over, throbbing hips, potty, wide awake, roll over, throbbing hips, roll over, potty, wide awake, throbbing hips, potty, WIDE AWAKE. Then Zack gets up for work at 5 and I am up for the day. Oh fun times. However, I just seem to enjoy every moment of it. (although I admit I complain just a tad to my poor husband. OK a lot.) But in all honesty. This has been a wonderfully amazing blessed pregnancy. I truly am enjoying every second of my pregnancy, sleepless nights, frequent potty trips, and sore thighs included. It is such a difference from this pregnancy than from the twins that I can't help love every minute of it!

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. John 16:21

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