Thursday, August 30, 2012

Half way there

So at 20 weeks, Miss Hannah Grace was 10 1/2 inches, the size of a banana! No wonder it feels like a dance class is taking place in my tummy. She loves to move and grove in the evenings, or all night long for that matter. Sleeping has become much more of a task. I have to sleep on my sides now, I don't have an option. Which becomes a bit of a task when you are a habitual stomach sleeper.  I awoke one night to Hannah kicking me so hard, apparently I was squishing her because I was laying slightly on my stomach. That was the end of that. I am trying the technique of lying with a pillow between my legs. It seems to help a bit. My hips have begun throbbing at night. I hear from a mixture of stretching muscles and sleeping on my side. So my night goes as follows; fall asleep, roll over, roll over, throbbing hips, potty, wide awake, roll over, throbbing hips, roll over, potty, wide awake, throbbing hips, potty, WIDE AWAKE. Then Zack gets up for work at 5 and I am up for the day. Oh fun times. However, I just seem to enjoy every moment of it. (although I admit I complain just a tad to my poor husband. OK a lot.) But in all honesty. This has been a wonderfully amazing blessed pregnancy. I truly am enjoying every second of my pregnancy, sleepless nights, frequent potty trips, and sore thighs included. It is such a difference from this pregnancy than from the twins that I can't help love every minute of it!

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. John 16:21

Monday, August 20, 2012

First day of school

How can anyone forget the excitement of the first day of school. I know I remember it clearly. The thrill of a new outfit, new shoes, new backpack, new adventures. And who can forget posing in your new outfit for a picture ready to take on the world. Watching through a child's eyes is almost equally exciting. I can't believe I just sent my babies out into the world of third grade. And even crazier, I can't believe I will be here again in just 8 short years. It seems like it will be forever before baby Hannah will be in school. But as a parent of growing children we all know I could practically blink and she will be starting starting 3rd grade, and even scarier, when that day comes the twins will almost be 17. GULP. Can I freeze time? Can I stay here in this moment forever; an incredibly easy and wonderful pregnancy and two of the sweetest girls in the world? Yes, I have decided if I could, I would freeze right here in this moment. I love my husband. I love my girls. I love my life, and I praise God for all the glory!
Miss Maddy on her first day of THIRD grade!
Miss Kenzie ready for 3rd grade!

As a mother of twins, I get to deal with things that only mothers of twins will ever understand. For starters, the disappointment when your twin gets the teacher you wanted. Or ALL your friends are in your twins class. I had to convince the girls that God knew what class they needed to be in and put them in that class. But boy was there disappointment in my household on the day we found out our teachers. I kept trying to convince them to try it out a week and if they still weren't happy they could just pretend to be each other and switch classes! They thought I was crazy and i am pretty sure they thought I was serious!
And for all you non believers out there, I can assure you I didn't cry once. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but this proud momma held it together! I almost lost it a few times. First, when it was time for the girls to separate into their classes they hugged each other. This wasn't an ordinary hug. This was a hug that said so much, an "I don't know what I'll do with out you" type of hug. They have spent every waking second attached at the hips this summer as well as some nights when they begged me to let them sleep in the same bed. They held each other for what seemed like an eternity. I could sense the fear in that hug that their best friend and sister would be a whole classroom away. It broke my heart. They spent all last year fighting, it was amazing to see the unconditional love these little ladies had for one another. But rest assured I held it in! Second, the darn pledge of allegiance. It gets me every time. I don't know what it is, but everything patriotic sends me into a crying spell. I blame my great grandpa! But for the first time in my life I DIDN'T CRY during the pledge of allegiance. I couldn't say it, and I had to think of other things while they said it, but by golly I didn't shed a tear! So today starts the beginning of a lot of new adventures. A new school year, a new baby, and only God knows what else. I have great confidence in knowing He will be leading the way!

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Vacation

It's hard to believe that in just 2 short days my widdle wady bugs will be in THIRD grade. Summer vacation came and went in the blink of an eye. We had a blast. We spend the last week of summer as busy as can be. The week long extravaganza started with the girls Melodrama Production of "The Wizard of Oz." My little munchkins had fun preparing 4 days a week for 6 weeks to be the best possible munchkins they could possibly be. Until the last performance that is, when Maddy lost her voice and quiet possibly sounded like an actual munchkin.
The Lullaby League Kenzie
Coroner Maddy
The End!

The night ended with Daddy's 30th birthday. It was an exhausting day. Temperatures reached 110, and boy was my pregnant belly in no shape to handle the heat. But like always you do the best you can! We had a great dinner party with 20 of our closest friends and family. 
Happy Birthday Daddy!

The following morning we got up and headed down south to Nana's house. Zack had been working his buns off and needed a break! We had a ton of fun. We did some swimming, LOT'S of fishing, beach time, eating and relaxing.

Zack took some amazing photography!
And I took a stab at it as well!

And yes, much to every ones disbelief we went deep sea fishing. I heard it from EVERYONE. You can't go deep sea fishing pregnant, you will get sick. I grew up on fishing boats so I wasn't afraid at all. We had such a fun time together. We laughed, fished, and had a blast!

We also did a little bit of lake fishing. We wanted to do a lot more it was just so darn hot! (and we got enough sun on the all day deep sea boat to last us a few days!)

I was able to catch up with my best, and longest friend Patty at the beach. We grew up at the beach together so it was a really fun time to bring the girls to go what we did at their age.

Maddy and her giant sand crab!

My brother and husband were even able to sneak away one night to do another deep sea fishing trip. This was just an evening twilight boat but by the pictures they kept sending me it looked like they had a blast.

Which left me and mom with a bunch of wild monkeys! We went to the movies and had some fun playing in the backyard before dinner!
Cousins and best buddies!

The three amigos. Wishing Kailey and Ava were here!

What an amazing summer we had. It's hard to believe it's over. All we have left is our memories. It seems like just yesterday I was their age playing in the grass. Now, I'm taking pictures and creating the memories for these girls. I can't wait for Miss Hannah Grace to join in on the fun! God has been so good to us. Zack and I are truly blessed to have each other, two beautiful, respectful, well mannered children and one more sweet baby girl on the way. Life couldn't be more grand!

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 

Pregnancy etiquette (just venting)

I've come to the conclusion that people tend to lose their sense of common courtesy towards pregnant woman. I would never say to an overweight person "gee you are really big for your size."  So how in any shape or form is it appropriate to tell a pregnant person "wow, you are really huge."
I get it. I am 5 months pregnant and very big for my gestation. I eat healthy and exercise regularly. This is just how I carry my children. I would never point out to a person how incredibly large their thighs are, its GENETICS. My genetics and the fact that I previously carried twins have made me larger for my size.
Just yesterday while exiting a restroom I was asked my due date. (not that it was any of her business to begin with.) She preceded to tell me how I was far to large and would possibly have complications. How HER children were born over 10 lbs and she was NEVER that big. I just smiled and shrugged it off.  Really? Seriously?  But I feel it may have been the straw that broke the camels back. I am constantly reminded on a DAILY basis from my friends and family how large I am, and the baby is such and such size, and your stomach is HUGE. So just a fair warning, I have decided as a response I will bluntly point out your flaws and imperfections. "Wow, you sure have gained a few pounds!" or   " Is your nose actually getting BIGGER?" Okay I won't. But I promise you it will be playing over and over inside my head. Isn't everyone aware of how highly hormonal pregnant woman are and how overly sensitive they are. Just sayin'!!

"Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips." Psalm 141:3